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Verification in the PolySwarm Marketplace

Engines need to be Verified before operating on public communities. This ensures quality results for all Users and reliable active Engines.

When to Request Verification

Engine owners should only Request Verification when their engine is ready for Production operation. If an engine is being used for testing purposes, undergoing development, or other non-production uses, please do not Request Verification.

Requesting Verification

Engine owners can Request Verification at any time using the PolySwarm UI. The following are a few keys to a successful verification:

  • The Engine is hosted in an architecture that supports production operation.
  • Keep the Webhook callback endpoint & Engine online through the Verification process.
  • Set the Expected Verdict on any Artifact in the Development Results table that you want PolySwarm to evaluate during Verification.
  • All Engine configuration fields are correctly defined in the PolySwarm UI editor for the Engine.

Follow instructions in the Engines docs to verify your Engine.

Verification Process

When PolySwarm receives your Verification Request, a task will be assigned to the PolySwarm Engines Team to perform the Verification Process on your Engine.

There are 4 steps to the Verification Process:

  1. User Identity Verification
  2. Engine Technical Verification
  3. Wallet Setup and Funding
  4. Engine Activation

Step 1: User Identity Verification

The first step of this process is for you to complete the User Identify Verification form. We are working to make User Identity Verification a more automated process, but for now, the PolySwarm Engines Team will give you a link to the form that we need you to complete. This form will ask you to provide identifying information and documents that we are required to collect, since you will have ownership of a Microengine and a NCT Wallet.

Step 2: Engine Technical Verification

The second step of this process is where the PolySwarm Engines Team will evaluate your Engine's configuration and operation. The engineer verifying your Engine will look through the configuration settings you've defined in the PolySwarm UI. If any settings are missing, mis-configured, or inappropriate, the Verification Process will stop and they will notify you with details of what needs to be corrected.

The engineer will send both known malicious and known benign Artifacts to the Development Community for your Engine. Those Artifacts will vary depending on the configuration of your Engine. If any Artifacts are not correctly processed, or if the data returned from your Engine is malformed, the engineer will notify you with details of what needs to be corrected.

If you receive feedback about any issues that occurred, please address those issue and respond to the engineer letting them know what changes you've made and that your Engine is again ready for Verification.

Step 3: Wallet Setup and Funding

The third step of this process is where the PolySwrm Engines Team will create the Wallet for your Engine and ask you to deposit NCT into it. The engineer will send you an email that includes the "Deposit Address" for your Engine. You can look in your PolySwarm User Account or Team Account's Account Settings on the Wallets tab to see and confirm the "Deposit Address" for your Engine.

Refer to our initial deposit guidance, to calculate how much NCT you should deposit into your Engine's Wallet.

Step 4: Engine Activation

At this step of the Verification Process, the engine will be immediately added to the mainnet Public Communities and start receiving Bounties.

Next Steps

Congratulations, your Engine is now operating in production. Now it's time to discuss how you can optimize your Engine.

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